Tel: (028) 2564 1265
The Braid Gallery
Braid River Business Park
Railway Street
Ballymena, County Antrim
BT42 7AF
Oil Paintings
Water Colours
3D Objects Framed
T-Shirt Framing
Mixed Media
Family Photos Framed
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Framing Services
G & A Frames provide a wide range of framing services, as well as fine art, contemporary art paintings for sale.
Framing of paintings and pictures.
Sports shirts framed.
Commemorative coins, stamps and medals
Wholesale picture framing services
Silk paintings and batiks to 3D objects
Fine Art Paintings for sale
From classic frames for works of art to contemporary displays for cherished album sleeves, our wide stock of frames and expert craftsmanship will have any object looking its best.
As Northern Ireland's sole wholesaler for Arqadia frames, we can provide both individual framing services and offer frames and mouldings for sale on a larger scale.
The right picture frame can dramatically enhance your art work as well as the room it's showcased in, but framing a picture with the right frame can be confusing.
G&A Frames has always been committed to providing a friendly, high quality service that caters to our customer's framing needs - from the occasional single item, to entire exhibitions - at a competitive price.